Miscellaneous Information

During the hours, weeks, months and years of research that has gone into collecting data on our family, we learned a great many "things" that really don't fall into a category that is easy to present.  We have therefore elected to present it here......!   For Example:

General Info and Census Information

  • In Greifenberg, in the year 1540 when a roll of "Burgers" (Citizens) was taken, thee were no Heuers there.  There were only the following family names:  Van Brochhuss, Kaller, Pagenkupf, Schmeling and Zastrows of the family names we searching for in our family history.
  • In 1782 there were 15 "Schneiders" (Tailors) or "Schmiede" (Blacksmiths) who were controlled by the Guilds.  By 1816 this number grew to 34, however in 1861, there were none listed.  It was though there kind of work was no longer needed or fell out of favor.
  • "Schumaker" (Shoemaker) and "Pantoffil" (Slipper) makers had 36 in 1782 and increased to 61in 1816 and then diminished to 7 by 1932 and by 1941 grew to 17.
  • Butchers, 6 in 1782 doubled to 12 in 1816 diminished to 0 in 1857 grew to 13 in 1861, 8 in 1932 and 11 in 1941.
  • There wasn't much call for Buchbinders as there was 1 in 1782, 1 in 1857 with an increase to 3 in 1861 and 1874 and back to 1 by 1932 and 1941.
  • In 1700 there was a fire in Greifenberg that burned all records and archival information was lost
  • Information about Borntin-- 1827 there were 106 people, 1853, 162 people, 1870- 17 houses and in 1921 1/2 of the village burned
  • Klein Horst - in 1635 there were 22 fischer (fisherman, or people who lived by fishing) families with 52 people, one was a Heuer
  • In Arnsberg plat map of 1945 there is a Heuer house shown.  They lived on a road that went through the village from the S.W to N.E. or (vice versa) if you wish at the extreme end of town. All they had was a house, quite smaller than others.  They were neighbors to B Guhlke whose house was show as the same size.  Most of the other homes were shown as larger...in 1839 there were 361 residents of Arnsberg, the administrative body for Arnsberg was in Neuhof
  • In Johaneshof, 1827, 230 people residing there.  The church in Johanneshof was built in 1303, a clock was added to the church in 1778 at a cost of (equivalent) $500 and they didn't have an Organ until 1783
  • 1831 --Zitzmar 534 Hectares --40 households, 202 people, 22 people owned property, 10 owners had 5-20 Hectares, 3 had 51-67 Hectares, the balance held between 20-50 Hectares.  In the village, there was 1 teacher, 1 miller, 1 guesthouse restaurant, 1 blacksmith and 15 itinerants.  The Zitzmar mother church was built in 1604 and was built with acorn holz, the alter was made out of hand-carved wood featuring pictures of Jesus and the 12 Apostles.  The Crucifix in Pommern are made with forked crosses which are extremely rare.


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