

After our initial research began, we learned that our great great Grandfather was born in Neides.   Of course this prompted us to begin our search for any ancestral connections in that town.  Our trusty Polish map showed Neides (Niedysz) on the map, but getting to it was another thing. After passing through Szczecin we stopped to get a Polish sausage at a roadside stand.  We also received our first warning about the importance of staying with our car, that is, if we wanted a car.  Car theft is rampant in Poland, especially nice rentals. Not letting a little thing like that bother us, we proceeded on towards Neides.

After taking several roads that ended in either a cow pasture or a fordable stream, we finally found a road that led us to Neides. 

Our first vision of Neides was the road sign at the entrance of the town


Front view of remains of old structures in Neides

Rear view of old structure in Neidess


Building Material very interesting!